понедельник, 4 августа 2014 г.

Tunes of people

Music is wonderful. Songs and melodies make my soul feel undescribable inexpressible feelings, waking up new unknown lights and colors inside. It is hard and always pleasant at the same time to find and hear the melody that can unexpectedly touch delicate shivery parts of my heart at this current moment. But when it is found huge attraction arises so it is twice difficult to stop listening this song. I think it happens because person contains sort of a mix of  wishes, memories, dreams, imagination,emotions, fantasies, moods, thoughts ... and all these ingredients, combination of them can't be expressed and shown clearly, as it is. It is like hash, we can't get the real value from hash easily, so it's hard to know exactly if it would suit us, to know it we need to compare our hash with all others, millions of others. It's like plunging into the ideal invisible reality where true person is woken up and it can last forever. So you are in love and you can do nothing with it ♥
Technologies are also like melodies! And...
People are like melodies. Dealing with a person is like listening to the song. You can enjoy it or not. And the process that identifies the pleasure is the same magic as with music with one additional detail. Melodies are something intangible and ineffable, but people are concrete. But people are tricky, they encapsulate intangible and ineffable mix of magic inside. Like functors or monads. Though, it doesn't matter. There is also an option, when you like the person, but at some moment realize that "there is nothing more interesting" or similar. Comparing to music, it is when you listened to your favorite song 100500 times and then just lost your interest. How many "favorite" songs did you have?
Yes, strange thoughts come to my mind because I am writing this :) There is one common in all of this. Why do we listen to music? communicate with new people? Why do we try new technologies? To have fun. To receive the positive. To revive the things we are missing inside. And then why we become bored of songs, tired on people.. In my thinking, it is kind of human inertia. If we feel awesome now with current way of things we are trying to leave everything as is, expecting everything to stay as is. But the world changes, and we are changing. While listening to music I have fun and I'm happy when I hear new incredible songs, and when I got used to them I just listen to another songs from which I will potentially find another great ones. When I meet new and awesome people IRL or in the Internet it is really interesting and fascinating, everyone is so different, each of them brings certain happiness.
What I wanted to say... Don't be tied and attached to one-moment immediate things, I mean don't get upset when they transform into something else and don't cause the same feelings that  have inspired you earlier. Stay focused on what you expected to get from it.

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