четверг, 20 декабря 2012 г.

Love of my life

I have two things in my life that I really love. This is my family, especially sister. I would have never become so strong inside without her. The second thing is programming. It helps me to reveal. It is the most pleasant thing in the world, with the help of which you can even earn money. It is an immense area. Sometimes, I feel that I know so much, but really it is about in 1000 times more of unknown. But this business suits not every person. I suppose, you need a special type of character. I like this, because you can make every thing, which flies into your thoughts. The major is to have a great desire, imagination or ideas, and ability to study. You are lucky when you are surrounded with people, who share your interest, who you can talk with. They were absent for me for about six years, and sometimes it was very hard to find a solution, but when I has been guessing to how to design and realize some functionality without using the help of others – the inexpressible delight was inside me :) Now, it is simply nice to talk to somebody competent on the topic of programming. Especially to person who is engaged in problems a bit different from your area. The best valiant is the competent or parallel to yours technology. In that case you have an opportunity to compare. For example, C# and Java. Windows and Linux. Also, I have already wanted to find a person, who is highly skilled just in my area, than he maybe have opened those things for me, that I have got used to name «tricks». It is often discovered in the process of development, and always appears with some experience. I already know a lot of such tricks, but always want to learn more and more.  It happens that it is pleasant to help other programmers, when they can’t manage something, I direct them and prompt. I get some kind of moral satisfaction from it. I often help sister to study programming, but not in a way of just putting the information in her head. No. It is useless. I try to point and direct her to those moments, that she would have hardly noticed herself. I give her some samples, illustrating how does it works in a real world. Sometimes, thoughts like “what will I do if programming ceases to please to me?” come in my head. There are a lot of opportunities for me in our big world. I can teach, it is possible to be engaged in researches in computer laboratory, different variants are possible … more. But for some reason, it is frequent that I have an image in thoughts, as though I am thirty years old and I am sitting on the beach of the transparent azure ocean, the pleasant easy breeze is blowing, and I have a very tasty drink in my hand, and my notebook computer on my knees with Visual Studio launched :) But it is just dreams. And they are really can made come true. 

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